Invest in a fabulous project and become an owner of Hungary's leading fairy tale platform!

Many hundreds of Hungarian story-writers, many thousands of fairy tales await their readers and listeners here.

Our goal is to grow the MESKETE brand into the largest and best-known company in Hungary in the business sector serving children, parents, and educators.

Our plans in headlines

  • Child-friendly mobile/tablet app

  • Organising children's events

  • Webshop for parents with small children

  • Subscription memberships, premium services

  • National children's events calendar

  • Online parent/family magazine

  • Children's event providers database

  • Dedicated staff

  • Own storybook publisher and mentoring platform

  • Unique artificial intelligence integration

  • Used storybook donation program

  • Entering the international market …

Our achievements so far

Our portal was launched 750 days ago and now 1,000 story writers, 6,400 stories and poems are waiting for children, parents, grandparents and teachers. 1,700 of these stories can also be listened to in the form of audio.

In addition to our 20,000 registered, loyal readers, we receive a lot of traffic from Google and Facebook, so our visitors have read our fairy tales more than 2,5M times and viewed the public profile pages of our authors 115,000 times.

Our first Hungarian, community-based storybook selection is published by Smaragd Publishing House under the title: Varázslatos Mesketék I: MeseErdő The volume was voted by an invited panel of experts and our reading community; With 36 fairy tales and poems, 36 beautiful illustrations and 40 wonderful children’s drawings, it will be on the shelves of the largest store chains, but we primarily want to sell it in our own online store so that we can bring joy to hundreds of children this Christmas. The storybook generated more than HUF 1 million in revenue even before its publication, in the pre-purchase phase!

The people behind the project

Inventor Gábor Gutási, András Dugonics literary award-winning story writer, winner of the Professional Elite 2023 Outstanding Professional of the Year award, leads Zrt. with 15 years of web programming knowledge and online entrepreneurial experience. Co-owners: István Bokó, Financial-IT Specialist, Szilárd Fülöp, investor, committed to quality child content and Benjámin Simon experienced web developer.
We work in close cooperation with the Meskete Children’s Foundation, founded in 2018, whose curator; Anita Kőszegi-Arbeiter has published 7 storybooks herself and also helps our team as an event organiser. Kriszta Pálfi is the singer and lyricist of the children’s band Apacuka; with a huge fan base, he is an authentic patron and “fairytale ambassador” of our project.


As team members, our professional mentors carry the Meskete project in their hearts: Andrea Dintsér, with 25 years of management experience in the Hungarian start-up sector and founder of a renowned integrated marketing and communications agency, and leader of the Women’s Leadership Club within the Hungarian Business Community of Business Managers. and also; Dániel Horváth, a business development expert with 15 years of experience in business management and extensive experience in online commerce, assists our team in business model design and product validation.

We launched the investment campaign so that we can reach our goals in a shorter timeframe by switching to a higher speed. In addition to organizational developments and marketing costs, we would like to develop a child-friendly mobile/tablet application in the first half of 2024.


We are introducing premium services and subscription memberships, launching an online store aimed at parents of young children, while holding our own children’s events and running a storybook publisher as well as a mentoring platform. We complete our existing system with a unique artificial intelligence integration, as our goal is to be able to enter the international market in a short time and make our services available in other languages as well..


And as a charitable activity, we are launching a second-hand storybook donation programme for families and children in need, as the cultural development of the youngest is our main concern..

`` It's the end of the story, it's time to invest!``

In our campaign, we are looking for HUF 50-58.3 million, with a company value of HUF 230,000,000, for which we offer 18%-21% of the business. Invest and share in the income of our paid services, book publishing, book and toy/game sales, and the profits of our events.

With pre-registration, you are not yet committing yourself, but you can ensure that you will be among the first to invest with the biggest discounts, as we offer our pre-registrants a company value discount, free story books and family VIP tickets at the start of the live investment campaign..

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There is only one more step to do: pre-registration!

Be part of the startup ecosystem development!

Register now if you are interested in participating in our crowdfunding campaign!

It’s pre-registration, which doesn’t commit you to any responsibilities, but allows you to get information, create your profile, and get the best investment offers. For this reason, it is also important that you provide your name, email address and phone number accurately.

You can read more about the investment process and related questions here.

The Campaign will only be launched once the conditions of the ECSPR license have been met.

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Privacy Policy of Zrt.

Ask about the Crowdfunding Campaign in the chat window, by email or by phone.
+36 70 424 7981

Register now if you are interested in participating in our crowdfunding campaign!*

*Preliminary legal and business review is still ongoing during the pre-registration period. Pre-registration is to gauge anticipated interest, during which prospective investors have the right to ask questions and make comments. TokePortal reserves the right to reject any application to launch a campaign.