Frequently Asked Questions

22 Questions, 22 Detailed Answers – In Logical Order

Last update: 4/23/2024

1. What is Crowdfunding? – Concepts, Types, Players, Significance, History

Crowdfunding is an online, public call-to-action (campaign) to meet the financing needs of the Campaign Owner Business. When the Campaign Owner issues transferable securities in exchange for financing, it is considered investment-based crowdfunding. The company operating the crowdfunding service, i.e., an online platform suitable for publishing and managing campaigns, must…

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2. What is TokePortal? – Status, Role, Responsibilities, Services is a CSP operating under the supervision of the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) in the European Union, located at 215/1, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT 1451, Malta. It is a subsidiary of TokePortal Zrt. (1095 Budapest, Soroksári u. 48). TokePortal Zrt. was founded in 2017 by economist and…

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3. What Type of Campaigns Can Be Launched, Who Can Launch Them, and What Are the Risks of Starting a Campaign? – TokePortal Services; the campaign service: equity, loan, and real estate targeted campaigns

The operational license pertains to the execution of investment-based campaigns (campaign services) and enabling the secondary trading of crowdfunded securities. Currently, equity-based campaigns can be launched, which may include convertible loans and real estate-based campaigns.   In equity-based campaigns, investors invest either directly into the Campaign Owner, or an intermediary…

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5. What Does Campaign Structure Mean? – The Role of the SPV

The question of campaign or investment structure includes: The rights and involvement of previous investors of the Campaign Owner company in the campaign; The size of the investment and rights of the Lead Investor – or, in the absence of a Lead Investor, the rights of the Delegated person; Any…

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6. How Much Capital Can Be Raised through Crowdfunding?

Under the ECSPR, on a platform operated by an authorized CSP, like TokePortal, the maximum amount of capital that can be raised within a year, either through multiple campaigns or across multiple platforms, is 5 million euros. Of course, the market limit will ultimately determine whether this capital can be…

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7. How to Prepare for Campaign Launch and Closure? – 8 Steps from Submitting the Intent to Launch a Campaign to Preparing Campaign Documentation, Closing the Campaign, and Quick Disbursement

The campaign initiation proposal can be submitted by the prospective Campaign Owner or its founder, who represents the business, with the signing of the confidentiality statement available at this link and a brief description, after studying the Campaign Launch information and Frequently Asked Questions: – –   Subsequently,…

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8. How is a Campaign Structured? – The 5 Stages of a Campaign: Pre-Registration, Closed Stage, Open Stage, Closure, Secondary Trading, and Post-Phase. The Early Investor is the Best Investor

Crowdfunding is the raising of capital through online communication. The basic principle is that the more potential investors a campaign’s communication reaches, the greater the likelihood of a successful start. Early investors act as a magnet for others, who generally wait and decide later or often at the last moment,…

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10. What Are the Costs of Launching and Managing a Campaign?

The fees applied by TokePortal are determined by the Pricing Policy (PP).   For the mandatory fees payable to TokePortal by clients (Campaign Owners), on top of the mandatory Success Fee, TokePortal offers two pricing models: a fixed fee and a success-based fee model. The latter differs from a purely…

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11. What to Know About Company Valuation?

In terms of capital pricing, as with any venture capital investment, two critical pieces of information need to be developed and published to potential investors in the indicative Investment Terms (KIIS): one is the pre-money company valuation, also known as enterprise value (EV), and the other is the expected return.…

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12. What Legislation Applies to Crowdfunding? – About ECSPR

The European Union’s Capital Markets Union (CMU Initiative) aims to create a unified and efficient internal capital market within the EU. This initiative led to the establishment of uniform EU capital market regulations, including the Prospectus Regulation, and the Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business (ECSPR), which came…

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14. Can the Investment Intent Be Withdrawn?

Yes, the Declarations of Commitment to Purchase Shares (DoC) can be withdrawn for free until the Campaign’s Last Day by accessing the Investor Profile. However, the Campaign Owner only refunds the paid deposit after the campaign closes, when the collected capital is released from the Custodian Account. The system removes…

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16. What Are the Risks Associated with Investing in a Crowdfunding Campaign?

The two biggest risks in investing through crowdfunding are precisely what differentiate these securities’ issuers from stock market issuers: the risk associated with the start-up’s unproven business model and liquidity risk. These are summarized in the Risk Warning.   Liquidity risk means that although these shares are tradable, and Investors…

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17. What are the Tax Implications of Income from Investments?

The tax rate payable after our investment yields returns depends on whether we invested as an individual or a corporation. Capital gains tax and withholding tax apply to the investments. For more details, see our article on the topic. In Hungary, there is currently no tax incentive for startup investments.…

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18. How Does the Investment Pay Off, and How Can It Be Realized?

Investing in a start-up typically requires time to realize actual value growth, usually a minimum of 3 years, but more often 5, although faster growth can occur. We should make our investment decision prepared for this timeframe. Often, it’s at the end of this period, during an acquisition or exit,…

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19. What is a Lead Investor?

In a campaign, the role of the lead investor can be undertaken by an Angel Investor, a legal entity with an Investor Profile, or any User with an Investor Profile who has committed to a minimum investment of 10,000 EUR, and whose lead investor status has been pre-approved by TokePortal.…

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20. What Do Investment Terms, the Term Sheet, and KIIS Mean?

The Key Investor InformationSheet (KIIS), which is presented below, contain the rights offered by the Campaign Owner to Investors in exchange for their capital. This  can be modified through discussions between prospective Investors and the Campaign Owner on the Forum and during investor meetings. If an agreement modifying the Investment…

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22. What is the Mentor Platform, and Who Can Be a Mentor?

The Mentorplatform is one of the sub-brands or services of TokePortal, serving the need for projects preparing for capital raising to evolve into businesses suitable for investment. Starting and building a business is not a simple task. Mentors help in this process. Anyone with real, personal experience in managing start-up…

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