Short overview, key facts about TokePortal.com

Founded in Budapest, TokePortal. com (or simply: Toke) was the first Hungarian equity crowdfunding platform that successfully launched several equity campaigns. In order to expand internationally and take advantage of the European Crowdfunding Service Provider Regulation (ECSPR) regulation, the service provider relocated to Malta under the supervision of the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). As a licenced crowdfunding service provider, TokePortal.com manages the public capital raising—the crowdfunding campaign—of any EU member state startup or SME in exchange for tradeable securities, such as equity, deb, or convertible loan, and to enable secondary trading therein up to €5M p.a. For investable, pre-vetted startups, TokePortal’s marketplace size now can ensure funding between 0.5-€1M within a total of 3 months.

In Toke’s strategy, we envision a consolidating pan-European capital market which is now completely institutional, top down, but over time, simply by internet-based direct participation, be disrupted by bottom-up, retail-based, organic growth. Crowdfunding, as an acceleration tool, and as an interconnected ecosystem builder, can contribute essentially to this desired, sustainable, crisis-resistant economy. This is one of the missions Eurocrowd, the largest European crowdfunding trade association represents, of which our co-founder Nora Szeles has recently been elected as a non-executive board member as well.

During the crowdfunding campaign, prospective investors, who created an investor profile on the website, can express interest to invest into the Campaign owner’s company  by accepting the Key Investor Information Sheet (KIIS) of the pre-vetted Campaign owner and its lead investor (an angel or a VC). In order to make an informed decision, the KIIS and other marketing materials are published on the campaign page, that includes a forum where prospective investors can engage in conversation, just like in the webinars organised by the CSP. Indications are revokable until the 4th day following the last day of the campaign.

The investor profile is tied to Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements and a knowledge test. Investors pay the capital into a custodian account, which the Campaign owner accesses only after a successful campaign closing (which means that the minimum target capital is reached, including the due diligence and KIIS review check, simultaneously with issuing or allocating the dematerialised securities onto the investors securities accounts.

In line with TokePortal’s commitment to investor protection, and in the interest of maintaining investors’ trust, the Campaign Owner has reporting and disclosure duties in the post-campaign period including brief quarterly reports too reflect on the fulfillment of the plans announced in the Campaign. This is a detailed summary of the campaign launch process: https://tokeportal.com/how-to-start-a-crowdfunding-campaign/. More info: https://tokeportal.com/en/faq/.

TokePortal.com’s main advantage are its campaign-owner oriented services that are included in the fees below.


  • Tailor-made, cost-efficient services: as a relatively small yet experienced platform in venture funding, our advantage is providing special, tailor-made services. During the campaign, unlimited standby assistance and management is provided. Further essential services are offered pro bono before and after campaign launch up to a total of 10 man days.
  • Access to and scounting of CEE and SWE startups: Our greatest potential lies within the region we serve. We offer arbitrage and access to emerging markets’ potential.
  • Investor protection services: TokePortal.com’s regulations ensure enhanced transparency, supported by training provided for Campaign owners, who then would be enabled to raise further rounds
  • Crowd round leverage and matchmaking in co-investing with VCs and angels in the crowd round, up to €5M annually: Numerous structures enable win-win leverage.
  • Secondary trading: Investors buy and sell offers are displayed on website and we assist in completing the trade, thus will a secondary liquidity be provided.
  • Incubation and mentoring services: for early-stage or idea-phase enterprises, we provide unique incubation and mentoring services in such a way that only contracted persons can access the draft materials in the data room and comment on them.
  • Our Mentor Platform is starting to become a community; we organize a mentor event monthly. Our mentors provide two hours of pro bono mentoring per month to our contracted clients, Campaign Hosts. On the same page, we also provide good visibility opportunities for our Partners in our newsletters, events, and on our social media channels.
  • Issuance of convertible loans with an annual limit of €5M. There are countries, such as Hungary, that otherwise limit the issuance to a much lower level, but ECSPR is exempt from such limitations. (The implementation of this service is in progress.)
  • Online hackathlons with remote teams can be organised through the platform, where the pitches will be public on demo day, and even a like-collection campaign can be launched (1 like: €1, for example).
  • For educational and branding purposes, articles and podcasts are continuously published on TokeBlog.


Business model offered to startups to crowdfund, as described in our General terms and Conditions (GTC) and in the Campaign Cooperation and Launch Agreement (CLA).

Upon the Founders choice:

  • „fix fee” based: €5k upfront, that includes pre-vetting and joint communication and campaign management + a success fee of 6,9% + and further €5 at campaign closing


  • „success fee based”: €1k upfront that includes pre-vetting and joint communication and campaign managemeng, + 7 % success fee + carry fees: in case of further capital raise within 33 months, 3% of the new capital is payable + in case of the Founders exit within 66 months, 3% of the price is due.


We are fundraising, too(!). Our deck presents our traction and our strategic path towards our vision. Enthused by the bottom-up, organic growth of the crowd, convinced of decentralized finance, and in that ECSPR will be a driver of pan-European financial integrity, our deck presents a momentum, a unique opportunity to participate in this journey. Based on all our professional knowledge, we truly believe and assume that within five years there will be a significant crowdfunding market, providing an exit opportunity towards large, developed platforms to be part of a truly pan-European financial services market (in the post-IPO age (!))…. https://tokeportal.com/tokeportal-ecspr-deck-for-cee-and-swe-2024/


About us:

The crowdfunding service in accordance with ECSPR (REGULATION (EU) 2020/1503 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 7 October 2020) is provided by TokePortal.com Ltd.

Company: TokePortal.com Ltd.

Headquarter: 23, South Street, Valletta VLT 1102, Malta.

Tax Number: 972037822.

LEI: 9845002C9F45C3BC0D17

Regulated by MFSA. Authorisation ID: TOKE-23805.

Contact: ecspr@tokeportal.com


Learn more about crowdfunding

Online crowdfunding is an effective and innovative (alternative) financial technology service, featuring an easy web-shop-style process for crowdfunding projects and startups through online campaigns. The crowdfunding platform serves as a marketplace for investors and campaign owners in this process. Unlike traditional forms of financing, which include a higher investment amount from one or several sources, crowdfunding can raise smaller investments from a large number of people, the crowd. During the several months-long campaigns, investors can ask questions to campaign owners to learn about the operation of the company.



Added value and efficient funding

Crowdfunding is an efficient method for raising capital: it incentivizes a crowd of investors to make quick investment decisions. It also provides entrepreneurs with an online platform for marketing and capital acquisition. One may invest as little as EUR100. During the campaign existing customers can be converted to investors and investors into loyal customers.

Experienced Team

Based on valuable experience gained years of operation, we believe the implementation of the international and national regulations of crowdfunding will provide solid framework for crowdfunding to gain momentum in Hungary.

No sunk costs

Raising funds on TokePortal.com comes with minimal fixed costs and success fees.

Mentoring Program

Connect with our expert team through our Mentoring and Incubation program. We offer campaign owners guidance on legal matters, business development, and online communication.

Startup Ecosystem

At TokePortal.com, we build the startup community by forging strong connections between investors and campaign owners. Cultivating this community is not just our mission—it’s an investment in the future. By creating close ties between investors and campaign owners, we streamline collaboration and ensure the long-term active presence of key players

Crowd of Investors

We provide simpler and faster processes for raising capital from a larger investor base. Registered investors on our platform include everyday investors, business angels and institutional investors.


The processes of crowd investing and launching a campaign at Tokeportal.com


Crowd investing campaigns can be launched by companies that are suitable for investment. Our mentoring program helps you prepare your business plan, including the funding target of your campaign.. Start your own business, write your own success story. We support the campaign preparation process, but it can take several months.

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Team of experts


Our vision is for Tokeportal to be an information hub and efficient marketplace for both the local and regional start-up community.

Tokeportal shall become a leading CEE crowdfunding service provider that creates startups and investors’ primary & secondary markets. The value we create for our shareholders lies within the fundraising brand: we are working to make Tokeportal a startup-lovebrand, an information centre, a fundraising tool & a validation hub. We want to brand ourselves by the startups that get crowdfunded successfully & become publicly listed companies, and by our contribution to a crisis-resilient, competitive, and transparent economic growth.


Our vision is for Tokeportal to be an information hub and efficient marketplace for both the local and regional start-up community.

Our mission is to democratise access to capital. We are creating an investment marketplace where startups and SME’s can acquire funding, which in turn will increase the number of publicly listed companies in the future. By educating the crowd to invest well and incubating startups to fundraise successfully, we aim to improve financial literacy, and popularise digital finance to boost the entry of dormant capital into the economy.



Tokeportal.com does not match investors with project owners, nor does it engage in asset management.

Investors shall transfer the amount invested to a custodian account. Investors receive shares in exchange for their investments.


After a full and completed registration, investors will be able to acquire a stake in the selected businesses online.


Those who want to invest and seek capital are linked through our online interface.


Cooperating businesses and organizations
