Privacy Policy

Effective date: 18/07/2024

Data Controller of your personal data:  

TokePortal.com Ltd. acts as a Data Controller:
Headquarter: 23, South Street, Valletta VLT 1102, Malta.
Tax Number: 972037822.
LEI: 9845002C9F45C3BC0D17
Regulated by MFSA. Authorisation ID: TOKE-23805.

For what purpose, on what legal basis and for how long are your personal data processed? The purpose of processing personal data, the legal basis and duration of data processing are summarized in the table below:
Purpose Legal basis Duration
1) Management of data generated during website[1] visits
Creation of website visitor statistics consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
Creation of Google analytics statistics consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
Contact not by post consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
2) Management of data provided during registration / creation of investor profile
Creating a user account consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
Investor identification and qualification consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
Newsletters and other notifications consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn
3) Processing of data provided within the platform after registration
Mandatory data processing[2] consent to data processing by the person visiting and registering on the website personal data will be processed until consent is withdrawn


The person who visits and registers at www.tokeportal.com accepts the content of PRIVACY NOTICE AND INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA as binding on himself/herself by using the platform and the website.

Act. CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination (hereinafter Infotv.) and Regulation (EU) 2016/976 of the European Parliament and Council (April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, as well as 95/46 /EC on the repeal of Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) in order to ensure the necessary conditions for compliance with data protection requirements and an adequate level of security of data management, TokePortal.com Ltd. (headquarter: 23, South Street, Valletta VLT 1102, Malta., tax number: 972037822., LEI: 9845002C9F45C3BC0D17, regulated by MFSA –  authorisation ID: TOKE-23805., hereinafter: Company or Data Controller) as a data controller acknowledges the content of PRIVACY NOTICE AND INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA as binding for itself and undertakes that its data management related to its activities meets the requirements defined in the applicable legislation.


What rights do you have?

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of the processing of personal data of natural persons and on the free flow of such data and the repeal of Regulation (EC) 95/46

  1. you can request access to your personal data, requesting information about the data managed by TokePortal.com Ltd. Providing information and a copy of the processed data is free of charge. A reasonable fee based on administrative costs may be charged for additional copies requested by you,
  2. you can request the correction, deletion or restriction of processing of your personal data,
  3. you can request TokePortal.com Ltd. to explain which recipients have been informed about the correction, deletion or restriction of data management,
  4. if the legal basis for data processing is your consent, you can withdraw your consent to data processing at any time, however, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of data processing based on consent, prior to the withdrawal. TokePortal.com Ltd. can process your personal data even after withdrawing your consent for the purpose of fulfilling its legal obligations or enforcing its legitimate interests, if the enforcement of the interest is proportional to the restriction of the right to protect personal data,
  5. if the legal basis for data processing is your consent, then you can exercise your right to data portability: in connection with the personal data concerning you that you have made available to TokePortal.com Ltd. and managed in an automated manner, you can request to receive this data in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, or to transfer this data to another data controller. You can also request that – if this is technically possible – TokePortal.com Ltd. directly forwards your personal data to another data controller.

You can object to the processing of your personal data based on a consideration of interests at any time. You can make your protest free of charge in writing via the email address support@tokeportal.com


Who are the recipients of your personal data?

The recipients of the personal data are the data controller’s agents and data processors:


  1. Dolphio Technologies Kft.

Address:          2016 Leányfalu, Móricz Zs. u. 196

E-mail:       info@dolphio.hu Web:         www.dolphio.hu

Data management operation: Operation of websites, implementation of further development of websites.



Address:          80 Wood Ln, Central Working White City, London, United Kingdom, W12 0BZ

E-mail:       info@sumsub.com Web:         www.sumsub.com

Data management operation: KYC screening based on identity data and documents, AML screening based on identity data and documents


  1. Smartsupp.com, s.r.o.

Address:          Milady Horakove 13, Brno, 602 00, Czech Republic

E-mail:       privacy@smartsupp.com Web:         www.smartsupp.com

Data management operation: Provides anonymous data to Tőkeportál Zrt. for the use of the chat service


  1. Nutshell, Inc.

Address:        206 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, USA

Data management operation: Sending out newsletters and notification e-mails by the Data Controller Scope of transmitted data: name, e-mail address.


  1. PayPal

Address:       PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxemburg Web:  https://www.paypal.com/hu

Information on data management: https://www.paypal.com/hu/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full

Data management operation: Online payment


  1. Stripe Inc.

Address:        510 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

E-mail:      support@stripe.com, Web:        https://stripe.com

Information on data management: https://stripe.com/en-hu/privacy

Data management operation: Online payment


What legal remedies are available to you?

Regarding the legality of data management, you can initiate legal procedure or bring a case before a competent Maltese authority in the country where the Data Controller is established. We recommend that you contact the customer service of TokePortal.com Ltd. before contacting the Maltese authorities or the courts.: support@tokeportal.com.

[1] www.tokeportal.com

[2] For the purposes of mandatory data processing, TokePortal.com Ltd. processes personal data the processing of which is required by law or by a binding legal act of the European Union. The scope of the data to be processed, the purpose(s) of the processing, the retention period of the data, the possible recipients of the data transfer and other conditions of the processing are specified in the legislation requiring the processing.