
Don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime! Invest in the next Hungarian unicorn!

Our revolutionary workforce recruitment platform is set to take the world by storm, starting in 2023. Be a part of our journey as we go from market launch to stock market debut. Invest in MelonApp now and thank us later.

What is MelonApp?

  • Introducing Melon HR Technology’s breakthrough innovation that’s changing the game for small and medium-sized businesses. Our automated workforce search solution is the ultimate tool for taking your business to the next level.

  • By aggregating job portals and utilizing smart-driven ad management, MelonApp saves time and money for business leaders and HR professionals. MelonApp streamlines your recruitment process and becomes your ultimate virtual recruitment solution

  • Building on the tremendous success we’ve seen with MelonApp in Hungary, we’re excited to bring our innovative solution to the rest of Europe, customizing it to fit the specific demands of each market.

Who MelonApp helps best?

The Hungarian HR software landscape

Major developments in the HR-Tech industry over the past decades have almost exclusively served the enterprise sector and HR companies, as we too have previously only developed for leading HR companies.

However, with the MelonApp project, we were able to make innovative software solutions accessible to Hungarian SMEs, a goal we have long held. The software system we created offers automated candidate collection for any position to employers across all sectors.

MelonApp features


Jobs are posted on all major job boards in one single step saving significant administrative time and effort for recruiters.


Automatically collects candidates from each job board and lists them in a sorted and ranked short-list, allowing the interviewer to focus on the most relevant and suitable candidates.


By utilizing MelonApp’s professional HR database and learning algorithm, a unique strategy is set for each recruitment campaign to maximize the value of the recruitment budget.


Artificial intelligence processes candidate data and continually improves the efficiency of new recruitments utilizing the outcomes of concluded campaigns.


MelonApp’s candidate filtering system (ATS), designed to work seamlessly on both mobile browser and mobile app, helps recruiters with their work.


MelonApp platform is free to use for comprehensive recruitment campaigns, with fees only for listing on job boards.

MelonApp in numbers

The results of one year market-fit and adjustment period

MelonApp’s recruitment process


MelonApp’s 400-position database helps identify job positions, creates high-quality job postings, and develops a custom recruitment strategy to fit those positions.


Integrates all major job boards and executes recruitment campaigns with its smart process automation.


Automatically collects job applicants from all external job boards and processes their information.


Evaluates and displays candidates in a weighted list according to the advertised position, with the most relevant and valuable candidates appearing at the top of the list.


MelonApp allows companies to integrate with their own HR systems and internal processes.

Market launch

MelonApp has been providing automated workforce recruitment in the Hungarian labor market since January 2022. During the more than one-year market fit period, over 600 employers tested and used MelonApp’s services and dozens of professional subscribers tried out the HR professional functions available with the monthly PRO license. As of the beginning of January 2023, we are promoting MelonApp as a finished product to our main target audience and have successfully completed recruitment campaigns for another 600+ satisfied businesses. Along with the market introduction, we are building partnerships for corporate and institutional use, and we already have plans for several big projects this year. In addition to conquering the Hungarian market, we plan to start expanding into Europe in 2024. We also want to continue to grow MelonApp with numerous professional features and quality-enhancing solutions as soon as the financial situation of the project allows it.

A global innovation with the potential to make MelonApp a unicorn

In every developed country, the SME sector employs the majority of the workforce while local HR-Tech companies only cater to the corporate sector with their innovative recruitment tools and services. This market environment, combined with MelonApp’s technical complexity, gives MelonApp a suitable and long-term market advantage for its expansion across Europe and then into the US.

MelonApp, currently globally unique, has the advantage to be adapted and launched in any developed market in a short amount of time, tailored to the linguistic, cultural, legal, and HR professional environment of the country. With the current crowdfunding campaign, we also aim to launch a large scale expansion of MelonApp on the European market.

Compared to Hungary, the entire European HR industry and labor market is 100 times larger, offering significant business opportunities for investors who invest in the early stages of MelonApp.

Usage of capital

With our crowdfunding campaign on Tőkeportál, our goal is to reach the entire Hungarian SME sector and educate the market to create demand for high-level candidate sourcing and efficient recruitment processes. Funds will also be used for the first steps of MelonApp’s international expansion, adapting and introducing it to the Italian market.

Try MelonApp today

Do you have doubts about the technological innovations of MelonApp? Do you question the efficiency of automated processes? Additionally, are you in need of workforce quickly and affordably?

Start your first workforce recruitment campaign now, and the results will surely convince you of the investment!

  1. Provide the job details:

  2. Choose the campaign package! (The “Profi” package is the most effective!)

  3. Initiate the campaign by making the payment online!

  4. Then, start selecting from the pre-screened candidates as early as the next day.

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Be our partner on the path to international success!

There is only one more step to do: pre-registration!

Be part of the startup ecosystem development!

Register now if you are interested in participating in our crowdfunding campaign!

It’s pre-registration, which doesn’t commit you to any responsibilities, but allows you to get information, create your profile, and get the best investment offers. For this reason, it is also important that you provide your name, email address and phone number accurately.

You can read more about the investment process and related questions here.

The Campaign will only be launched once the conditions of the ECSPR license have been met.

Learn more about the ECSPR

Privacy Policy of TokePortal

Privacy Policy of Melon HR Technology Kft.

Ask about the Crowdfunding Campaign in the chat window, by email or by phone.
+36 70 424 7981

Register now if you are interested in participating in our crowdfunding campaign!*

*Preliminary legal and business review is still ongoing during the pre-registration period. Pre-registration is to gauge anticipated interest, during which prospective investors have the right to ask questions and make comments. TokePortal reserves the right to reject any application to launch a campaign.