In investment-focused campaigns, only those reaching their minimum capital target can access the funds raised in their campaign. The capital target is defined in a range with minimum and maximum limits. When the minimum capital target (as shown by the counter on the campaign page) is reached, the campaign is considered successful. The campaign counter displays the total amount of Declarations of Commitment (DoCs) received. (A DoC becomes valid after the deposit listed on it is paid). Setting neither too low nor too high a capital target is advisable; if too low, further fund-raising might be needed soon, while unreasonably high targets risk campaign failure and investors getting their money back. There’s a direct correlation between the company’s value and the amount of capital that can be raised (see company value). Mentors and TokePortal can assist in evaluating this.
Since essential elements of crowdfunding campaigns include communication with investors, discussions, and questioning opportunities (crowd diligence), allowing investors/supporters to reconsider and possibly withdraw their decision until the campaign’s end, platforms facilitate this in various ways depending on the payment method/technology used.