Crowd funding investment workshop 22.05.2019
Tokeportal.hu, KH Incubator, Crowd-fund-port and Altfinator cordially invites you to join the workshop on crowd funding investments to take place at 5 PM at KH Incubator (Budapest V, Arany János u. 20)
Our highly respected international expert guests, Daniel Horak, co-founder of Conda, the Austrian equity crowd funding platform and Madis Müür, angel investor of the year in Estonia, experienced lead investor of crowd funding campaigns, will present their experiences in the development of crowd funding markets and blockchain technologies. Sbrick and FoodToDo will pitch their planned crowd funding campaigns and their products.
Our highly respected international expert guests, Daniel Horak, co-founder of Conda, the Austrian equity crowd funding platform and Madis Müür, angel investor of the year in Estonia, experienced lead investor of crowd funding campaigns, will present their experiences in the development of crowd funding markets and blockchain technologies. Sbrick and FoodToDo will pitch their planned crowd funding campaigns and their products.
Madis Müür
Lead Investor and Angel @funderbeam.com, an Estonia-based progressive equity crowd funding platform
Madis got selected as board member of EstBAN and Lead Investor of the Year 2018
Daniel Horak - Conda
As Co-Founder and Managing Director of CONDA Daniel is the driving force in the area of marketing and sales. Even before CONDA he was gaining experience in the area of business start-ups with his own start-up founded in 2007: Spoken Language System.
Limited seats
Due to limited seating capacity for Tőkeportál’s May 22 event, we recommend our advance registration for admission. With the high level of interest for this occasion, we want to make sure as many people as possible can join us for this exciting event!