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Sam Eisenberg

Entrepreneur, Early Stage Investor, Global Business; Digital Acceleration, Deck Expert

Samuel Eisenberg is co-founder of Design For Decks and works with high-impact founders and investors, who have raised well over $2.8B using our decks. Passionate about sharing pitch deck expertise with others to help them succeed and bring their ideas to life.

As speaker at large tech events in Europe and in work groups, Sam has mentored a group of 80k+ entrepreneurs. and helped various ecommerce businesses at 11 years old (one still going strong today) later moving into the world of politics and activism, only to shift focus to tech, marketing and operations, for the last 7+ years.


Disruptive venture building, Scalable business models and Product strategy, Business strategy and strategy deployment, Innovation management practices, Fundraising, Management best practices and Leadership development, Customer experience and success, Management systems and processes design, Performance management and improvement (for example OKRs- objectives and key results), Operational excellence., Business problem-solving practices, Cost-Effectiveness, Continuous Improvement and Innovation practices, “Lean startups” and “Lean process and product development” (LPPD), Agile and Design Thinking, Business development and building sales operations and teams (with a focus on global expansion), HR practices and recruitment, Market entry strategy and global expansion
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