Kós Balázs
Tender and social entrepreneurship expert

As the founder and CEO of Blue Door Consulting, my main goal is to devote my extensive international and EU experience to building and developing the relationships of private companies (including startups) with the European Union – especially in the Central and Eastern European region. Greater use of opportunities for cooperation with the European Union (including applications that can be submitted directly to the Union) could help and increase the competitiveness of many private companies and startups at regional and European level. Until the end of the previous mandate of the European Commission in November 2019, I was an employee of the EU Commissioner’s Cabinet from January 2016 – before that in 2015 I learned more about the functioning of the EU institutional system in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Prior to that, I participated in the work of the Commission in 2014 as a Blue Book intern. I studied European Union at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, then in Brussels (Brussels School of International Studies) and at King’s College London.


European Union, European possibilities, Central-East-European expansion, Competency, Digital, Green, Research, Development, Education
Kós Balázs
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