Venture capital investor

Starting in the field of financial informatics, I managed bank-owned (Budapest Bank, CIB, MFB) investment service companies operating in the Hungarian securities market in the 1990s, and I worked as the chairman/member of several professional organizations in the stock market to develop the domestic capital market. From the 2000s, I took on the role of starting the development of the domestic venture capital market with the help of the state. During my 12 years of work in the venture capital market, I’ve gained outstanding experince in terms of the operating conditions, opportunuties, problems and expectations of the Hungarian SME sector, as well as the selection of appropriate target companies and the special characteristics of venture capital investments in the sector.


Services (fintech (except criptocurrency), Consumer, business, hospitality), Communication, Games, Life sciences, Innovations, Food industry, Processing industry, Renewable enery
Déri Viktor
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