Weinek Leo
Financial and business development expert

I can assist you in fundraising, in the capital market transactions (M&A, IPO, bond issuance…) and primarily in business/company development (scale up), in the ‘streamlining’ of the processes of the company/organization/business, in reorganization, in product- and market development, in the expansion of the (foreign) market presence, in the optimalization of strategical deals, in expansion and in stakeholder management, in re-(branding) or re-(positioning), in ’to the point USPs’ and in agile management, etc. Besides of the domestic and the European markets, I’d been working on Anglo-Saxon markets, in North- and South-America, in Asia.


Food industry, Agriculture, Trade- and product development, Agritech, Govtech, Smart solutions, Services sector, Art and culture, Expansion – scale up, Construction of domestic and foreign markets, Construction of a netty – systemic function, Strategical contacts, Business/venture modelling – corporate governance
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